At various times throughout the year, we will introduce a trial series of Playing Tips, Techniques, ACOL bidding etc, at 6.45pm before Real Bridge gets underway from 7pm–9pm.
The first series started Monday October 14th, 6.45pm on Leads with Sati.
The second week on 21 October, Rob led us through Finessing. 6.45pm
The third lesson was on Monday 11 November, Stayman with Jan.
The fourth lesson was on 18 Nov, Establishing a long suit with Tana.
Series are free and optional. People can choose not to start earlier and to arrive by 6.55pm to the Lobby to be ready for play at 7pm.
A series will be limited to no more than 4 sessions, and then it would be Play & Discuss as usual for the next weeks.
Series will be based on NZ Bridge Resources, which will also be highlighted on our website under RESOURCES and also at each of the Play & Discuss sessions.
The Play & Discuss session may not necessarily have focused-boards on the content of the series, depending on the topic.
The “Discuss” part of the night would be focused around the topic selected with feedback where appropriate.
Series content will cover the areas that were highlighted on the club survey e.g. Stayman, Leads and defence, Establishing a suit in NT, Transfers, Vulnerability, Doubles,
Suggestions for sessions and contributions and offers to run a short session will be gratefully received by the Committee.
The session topics will be listed on the Club Calendar.
The session series will be reviewed and your feedback requested.